Friday, October 20, 2017

Tiny Grimes, Tiny Grimes And His Rocking Highlanders Vol. 2 (1987)

Tiny Grimes, Tiny Grimes And His Rocking Highlanders Vol. 2 (1987)
 Friday's lunch record is a collection of early R&B recordings of guitarist Tiny Grimes and his orchestra. This 1987 reissue album was released on the Gotham label of Krazy Kat records from England. The original recordings are from the 1947-1950. The songs are; "Call Of The Wild', "Tinys Jump", "Marie", "St. Louis Blues", "Bananas", "1626 Boogie", "Bananas", *Call Of The Wild", "Hawwaiin Boogie", "Frankie And Johny Boogie", "Am I Blue", "Pert Skirt", "Ho Ho Ho". The YouTube sample song is " Call Of The Wild" . . bucko

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