Friday, October 6, 2017

Griffin Brothers Orchestra, Riffin' With The Griffin Brothers Orchestra (1985)

Griffin Brothers Orchestra, Riffin' With The Griffin Brothers Orchestra (1985)
Friday's lunch record is a collection of early R&B  recordings by the Griffin Brothers. This 1985 reissue  album was released on Ace records of England. The original recordings are from the Dot record label (1950-1951).The songs are 'Little Red Rooster", "Weepin' And Cryin'", Griff's Boogie", "Blues All Alone", "The Teaser", "Pretty Baby", "Blues With A Beat", "Stubborn As A Mule", "I Wanna Go Back", "I'm Gonna Jump In The River", "Comin' Home", "Tra-La-La", "Shuffle Bug", "Ace In The Hole", "Hot Pepper", "It'd Surprise You". The YouTube sample song is "I Wanna Go Back" . . bucko

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