Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Freddie Mitchell, The Derby (1989) r. 1949-1951

Freddie Mitchell, The Derby (1989) r. 1949-1951
Wednesday's lunch record is a collection of reissued R&B honkers by saxophonist Freddie Mitchell. This 1989 reissue album is on the Whiskey, Women. And... label of Mr. R&B records of Sweden. The recordings are from 1949-1951 the Derby label. The songs are; "Pony Epress". "Slider". "Fish Market Boogie", "Long Lean Daddy", "Summertime Boogie", "Rockin' With Coop", "Indiana Express", "Rockin' And Jumpim'", The Derby", "Preachin", "Jersy Bounce", "Lonesome And Mistreated", "Roll Em' Boogie", "Louise", 'Hot Ice", "3 Strikes You're Out", "Till Tom Boogie", "Music Makers Boogie". The YouTube sample song is "Pony Express" (1949) . . bucko

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