Tuesday, April 19, 2016

John Klemmer, Intensity (1973)

John Klemmer, Intensity (1973)
 Tuesdays' lunch record is by jazz saxophonist John Klemmer. This 1973 album is on the Impulse record label of CBS records. John uses two different rhythm sections one recorded in 1971 the other in 1973. Tom Canning (Fender Rhodes), Dave Parlato (Fender bass), Victor Feldman (percussion), Bart Hall (drums), Todd Cochran (Fender Rhodes), James Leary (acoustic bass), Woody Theus (drums). John Klemmer composition and group improvational pieces. Songs " Rapure Of The Deep", "The Song For Katherine", "Prayer For John Coltrane", "Waltz For John Coltrane", "C'mon And Play With Me", "Sera Of Passion', "Last Summers Spell". No YouTube sample song is available.. bucko

1 comment:

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-TszOa7AL4&t=1028s

