Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Gene Chandler & Jerry Butler, One & One (1970)

Gene Chandler & Jerry Butler, One & One (1970)
 Tuesday's lunch record is a soul / funk album by the duo Gene Chandler & Jerry Butler. This 1970 album is on the Mercury record label. Each vocalist has huge individual recordings in their name. The pairing for this album produced many great songs. Songs include; "You Just Can't Win (By Making The Same Mistake)", "The World Keeps Changing", ""I Found That I Was Wrong", "Sho' Is Groovin' ", "One Hand Washes The Other", "Mail Call Time", "Be Yourself", "Everybody Is Waiting", "Ten And Two (Take The Woman Off The Corner)". Personnel includes; Gene Chandler (vocal), Jerry Butler (vocal) & musicians. The YouTube sample song is " Ten And Two" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gr1uT_TLI4 . . bucko

Jerry Butler
Gene Chandler

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