Friday, December 2, 2016

Eddie Harris, (& His Electric Saxophone) Plug Me In (1968)

Eddie Harris, (& His Electric Saxophone) Plug Me In (1968)
Friday's lunch record is a jazz/funk album by innovative saxophonist Eddie Harris. This 1968 album was released on Atlantic records. The personnel is; Eddie Harris (tenor sax, electric sax) Heywood Henry (baritone sax), Charles Rainey, Melvin Jackson, Ron Carter (bass), Jodie Christian (piano), Grady Tate, Richard Smith (drums), Joe Newman (trumpet) and others. The songs are; "Live Right Now", "It's Crazy", "Ballad (For My Love)", "Lovely Is Today", "Theme In Search Of A T.V. Commercial", "Winter Meeting". The YouTube sample song is "Live Right Now" . . bucko

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