Thursday, June 8, 2017

Roosevelt Sykes, Dirty Double Mother (1973)

Roosevelt Sykes, Dirty Double Mother (1973)

Thursday's lunch record is by blues man Roosevelt Sykes. This 1973 album was released on ABC records BluesWay label. It features the risqué songs by  the boogie - stride blues piano player and vocalist. The personnel are; Roosevelt Sykes (piano, vocal), Justin Adams (guitar), George French (bass), Alonzo Stewart (drums), Clarence Ford (sax). The songs are ; "Double Dirty Mother", "Persimmon Pie", "I Wanna Love", "Look A Here", "Jookin' In New Orleans", "May Be A Scandal", "Doube Breasted Woman", "Dooky Chas Boogie", "Life Is A Puzzle", ".44 Blues", "Watch'l Go Getter". The YouTube sample song is "Persimmon Pie" . . bucko

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